What do emotions and snow shovelling have in common?

Last week, in my online Learning Community, I was asked a thoughtful question;
"Why do emotions matter... and what becomes possible when we develop emotional mastery?"
I was wondering how best to respond when I suddenly saw a good analogy in the snow that was covering my wintry Canadian driveway right outside my window.
So I made this video comparing snow removal, if you can imagine, to our innate and under-tapped ability to 'melt' the unhelpful emotions that hold us back in life.
Will you check it out and let me know if it answers - or raises - any questions for you?
And PS. Next week, I'm starting a new program with a small group of people who want to practice 'melting' the emotional patterns that don't serve them anymore .
If you'd like to know more email me with the words I'M CURIOUS in the subject line and I'll get you the details. There's still room for a couple more to join.